1. Pdflatex For Mac Os High Sierra
  2. Pdflatex For Mac Os 10.13
  3. Pdflatex For Mac Os 10.10
  4. Texlive Mac Os
  5. Miktex For Mac Os
  6. Pdf Latex Mac Os

** The Most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) **

By default, TeXnicle comes with engines for pdflatex, latex, latexmk, and context. Mac OS X users enjoy syntax colouring, saving via FTP and the ability to replace strings using. GoodSync for Mac. GoodSync for Mac is an easy, secure, and reliable way to automatically synchronize and back up your photos, MP3s, and important files. When trying to typeset, my front end puts up a dialog claiming that it cannot find tex (or pdfLaTeX, or XeTeX) QM.04: Fink and MacPort Questions QM.05: Where to put personal additions in the texmf tree QM.06: Why can't the latest MacTeX find my local BibTeX (.bst,.bib) files QM.07: Fonts in my TeX documents are wrong - the Font Cache Bug. One of the founding Seven Sisters schools, Wellesley is considered one of the best liberal arts women's colleges in the nation.

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Change the Computer Name to something different. Hey Jeff,If you are getting these crashes, and you already checked the 32-bit mode explained above, try first to reset the game settings:Blizzard app - Settings - Game Settings - StarCraft 2 - Reset In-Game OptionsIf the issue persists there is a workaround that apparently helped other players which is to rename your system on Mac:. Click on Edit and then Okay. On Mac Apple menu, go to System Preferences/Sharing. This is where the KP happened.Reset in game settings, logged back in, adjusted resolution back to 1440p and set graphics API to OpenGL 4.1 - this resolved the issue.An additional issue popped up now where the Zealot that’s featured when you click on Protoss in 1v1 does not have his PSI blades - just an FYI. Starcraft for mac os.


Pdflatex For Mac Os High Sierra

[ click on the Q# to jump to the question & answer ]

MacTeX Q&A : getting or installing MacTeX
QM.01:Trouble completing the installation process.
QM.02:No need to uninstall previous TeX distribution
QM.03:When trying to typeset, my front end puts up a dialog claimingthat it cannot find tex (or pdfLaTeX, or XeTeX)
QM.04:Fink and MacPort Questions
QM.05:Where to put personal additions in the texmf tree
QM.06:Why can't the latest MacTeX find my local BibTeX (.bst, .bib) files
QM.07:Fonts in my TeX documents are wrong --- the Font Cache Bug.
QM.08:Does MacTeX-2020 work on Mojave and Catalina?
QM.09:Where can I obtain and download older versions of MacTeX?
TeXShop Questions
QT.01:Typesetting in TeXShop gives an error message related to (/usr/texbin)
QT.02:TeXShop refuses to start, or behaves strangely
QT.03:Damaged Macros Folder

QM.01:I am having trouble completing the installation process. How can I get MacTeX installed?


One common problem is that users obtain a corrupted MacTeX.pkg after downloading the large file. There is an easy way tocheck that your download was successful. Run Apple's Terminal application in /Applications/Utilities. After the prompt, type the command
and a space, and then drag and drop the file MacTeX.pkg to theTerminal window to complete the command. Push Return.The Mac will compute an 'md5 checksum'. This sum should bethe sum shown at the top of the downloading page here.

Some users downloading with Google Chrome and possibly other browsersreport defective downloads. We recommend downloadingwith Safari. Users with problems also report success after downloading via the torrent network.

Defective downloads are essentially never due to a bad file on theserver because we test after uploading new versions. But users withdownload problems sometimes succeed after trying an alternateCTAN site. To do this, check on one of the links in the mirror page.

If you are at an institution with a large body of TeX users, a support person could put MacTeX-2020 on the DVD and loan you the DVD.

A final solution, if all else fails, is to go to http://www.tug.org/mactex/morepackages.htmland download BasicTeX; this distribution is quite complete and serviceable and the smaller download may cause fewer problems. You will also need a front end like TeXShop or those included in MacTeXtras.

QM.02:Do I need to uninstall my previous TeX distribution before installing MacTeX?

AM.02: No. The TeX Live in MacTeX installs in a new location, /usr/local/texlive/2020, and does not overwrite the old distribution. Consult the documentation for your older distribution to uninstall it, if you want to save space.

QM.03:When trying to typeset, my front end puts up a dialog claimingthat it cannot find tex (or pdfLaTeX, or XeTeX)

AM.03: Some users have installed software which incorrectly set thepermissions on /usr/local. To see if you have this problem, open Terminalin /Applications/Utilities. Type
ls -l /usr
and push RETURN (note that '-l' is a small el, not a number). Terminalwill print a list of folders. Look at the entry named 'local'. The permissionsat the start of this line should be
If instead they are 'drwx------' then carefully type the followingline in Terminal:
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local
You will be asked to supply your Login password.

QM.04: Fink (or MacPorts) is installed on my computer. After installing MacTeX,
(a) pdfTeX and TeX crash with error messages referring to broken libraries in /sw/..or/opt/..
(b) the versions of pdftex and tex in Fink or MacPorts run instead of the versions in TeX Live.
(c) pdftex runs erratically.

AM.04abc:MacTeX installs a symbolic link to the TeX Live binaries named /Library/TeX/texbin. Calling /Library/TeX/texbin/pdftex will reach the pdftex in TeX Live. Once this version runs, it will not be confused by the presence of Fink or MacPorts and will use the correct libraries, style files, fonts, and utilities in TeX Live.

The GUI programs shipped with MacTeX understand this symbolic link and automatically call /Library/TeX/texbin//pdftex. But if you call pdftex from the Terminal or another application, you may encounter the problem. The solution is simple. Find your shell startup script. That script should contain a command modifying PATH so /sw (or /opt) comes first. After this command, add a line to the script prepending /Library/TeX/texbin to the beginning of your PATH.

QM.05:Where do I put my personal additions to the texmf tree?

AM.05: They go in
and various subdirectories structured according to the standard TeX conventions. Here ~/Library is the Library folder in your home directory. You may have to create the texmf folder, and any subfolders of it mentioned below. For instance, TeX will find any file in
or a subfolder of this folder, and LaTeX will find any file in
or a subfolder of this folder. It is not necessary to run texhash when adding files to this local tree.

On Lion and above, the ~/Library folder is hidden. To open it, use the Finder's Go menu and hold down the Option key to revealan extra item in the menu.

QM.06:Why can't the latest MacTeX find my local BibTeX files? Earlier versions of MacTeX worked correctly.

AM.06: TeX Live is slightly pickier about placement of these files. '.bib' files go in
or subfolders of this directory, and '.bst' files go in
or subfolders of this directory.

QM.07:I installed MacTeX and now all of the fonts in my TeX documents are wrong. I checked this in Preview, TeXShop, LaTeXiT, TeXniscope, and other programs. They all display bad fonts, so I must have messed up the installation. Maybe it is because I used custom install and installed the Latin Modern and TeX Gyre fonts.

AM.07: The problem (known as the 'font cache bug' in Mac OS X) was fixed in MacTeX-2009 and all later distributions are fine.

QM.08:Does MacTeX-2020work on Mojave and Catalina?


Yes, it has been extensively tested and used on both systems. This question will come up again when Apple releases their next version ofmacOS, probably in fall of 2020. But the developers of MacTeX-2020 will have downloaded the beta of that system on the first day of WWDC,the developer conference, and worked on it extensively during the summer. If problems exist after the system release, they will be prominently mentioned on theseweb pages.

QM.09:Where can I obtain and download older versions of MacTeX?


To Obtain Older Versions of MacTeX If You Are Running Mac OS 10.3 through 10.11, click here

TeXShop Questions

QT.01:Typesetting in TeXShop gives an error message:
'Can't find required tool. /usr/local/texlive/bin/x86_64-darwin does not exist. Perhaps TeX Live was not installed or was removed ..'

AT.01: This error means that TeXShop could not find a TeX distribution. Usually users who see it downloaded TeXShop, but forgot to download TeX itself. The solution is to install TeXLive-2020. If you installed with MacTeX, you will not see this error.

QT.02:TeXShop refuses to start, or behaves strangely.Or, for example, you get the message:

AT.02: There may be a damaged TeXShop preferences file. Quit TeXShop, and reboot your machine. Then before starting TeXShop again, move the file
to your desktop. Then start TeXShop. If this fixes the problem, reset your preferences as desired. If not, put the old plist file back to restore your old preferences.

Make sure you are using the latest version of TeXShop

QT.03:TeXShop complains of a damaged Macros file when it starts.

AT.03: There may be a damaged Macros folder in TeXShop's configuration files. Quit TeXShop, move the Macros folder
to the desktop, and restart TeXShop. It will create a new Macros folder with a working Macros file.

For more information about other frequently asked questions please

  • search the Archives of the Mac OS X TeX mailing list
Pdflatex For Mac Os

If you still have problems with the MacTeX Installer, you may contact us via themactex-support webpage.

  • Compiling from source

The simplest way to get the latest pandoc release is to use the installer.

Pdflatex For Mac Os 10.13

For alternative ways to install pandoc, see below under the heading for your operating system.


There is a package installer at pandoc’s download page. This will install pandoc, replacing older versions, and update your path to include the directory where pandoc’s binaries are installed.

If you prefer not to use the msi installer, we also provide a zip file that contains pandoc’s binaries and documentation. Simply unzip this file and move the binaries to a directory of your choice.

Alternatively, you can install pandoc using Chocolatey:

Chocolatey can also install other software that integrates with Pandoc. For example, to install rsvg-convert (from librsvg, covering formats without SVG support), Python (to use Pandoc filters), and MiKTeX (to typeset PDFs with LaTeX):

By default, Pandoc creates PDFs using LaTeX. We recommend installing it via MiKTeX.


There is a package installer at pandoc’s download page. If you later want to uninstall the package, you can do so by downloading this script and running it with perl uninstall-pandoc.pl.

Alternatively, you can install pandoc using Homebrew:

To include pandoc’s citation parser:

Pdflatex For Mac Os 10.10

Homebrew can also install other software that integrates with Pandoc. For example, to install librsvg (its rsvg-convert covers formats without SVG support), Python (to use Pandoc filters), and BasicTeX (to typeset PDFs with LaTeX):

Note: On unsupported versions of macOS (more than three releases old), Homebrew installs from source, which takes additional time and disk space for the ghc compiler and dependent Haskell libraries.

We also provide a zip file containing the binaries and man pages, for those who prefer not to use the installer. Simply unzip the file and move the binaries and man pages to whatever directory you like.

By default, Pandoc creates PDFs using LaTeX. Because a full MacTeX installation uses four gigabytes of disk space, we recommend BasicTeX or TinyTeX and using the tlmgr tool to install additional packages as needed. If you receive errors warning of fonts not found:


Check whether the pandoc version in your package manager is not outdated. Pandoc is in the Debian, Ubuntu, Slackware, Arch, Fedora, NiXOS, openSUSE, gentoo and Void repositories.

To get the latest release, we provide a binary package for amd64 architecture on the download page.

This provides both pandoc and pandoc-citeproc. The executables are statically linked and have no dynamic dependencies or dependencies on external data files. Note: because of the static linking, the pandoc binary from this package cannot use lua filters that require external lua modules written in C.

Both a tarball and a deb installer are provided. To install the deb:

where $DEB is the path to the downloaded deb. This will install the pandoc and pandoc-citeproc executables and man pages.

If you use an RPM-based distro, you may be able to install the deb from our download page using alien.

On any distro, you may install from the tarball into $DEST (say, /usr/local/ or $HOME/.local) by doing

where $TGZ is the path to the downloaded zipped tarball. For Pandoc versions before 2.0, which don’t provide a tarball, try instead

You can also install from source, using the instructions below under Compiling from source. Note that most distros have the Haskell platform in their package repositories. For example, on Debian/Ubuntu, you can install it with apt-get install haskell-platform.

For PDF output, you’ll need LaTeX. We recommend installing TeX Live via your package manager. (On Debian/Ubuntu, apt-get install texlive.)

Chrome OS

Texlive Mac Os

On Chrome OS, pandoc can be installed using the chromebrew package manager with the command:

This will automatically build and configure pandoc for the specific device you are using.


Pandoc is in the NetBSD and FreeBSD ports repositories.


The official Docker images for pandoc can be found at https://github.com/pandoc/dockerfiles and at dockerhub.

The pandoc/core image contains pandoc and pandoc-citeproc.

The pandoc/latex image also contains the minimal LaTeX installation needed to produce PDFs using pandoc.

To run pandoc using Docker, converting README.md to README.pdf:

GitHub Actions

Pandoc can be run through GitHub Actions. For some examples, see https://github.com/pandoc/pandoc-action-example.

Compiling from source

If for some reason a binary package is not available for your platform, or if you want to hack on pandoc or use a non-released version, you can install from source.

Getting the pandoc source code

Source tarballs can be found at https://hackage.haskell.org/package/pandoc. For example, to fetch the source for version

Or you can fetch the development code by cloning the repository:

Note: there may be times when the development code is broken or depends on other libraries which must be installed separately. Unless you really know what you’re doing, install the last released version.

Quick stack method

Miktex For Mac Os

The easiest way to build pandoc from source is to use stack:

  1. Install stack. Note that Pandoc requires stack >= 1.7.0.

  2. Change to the pandoc source directory and issue the following commands:

    stack setup will automatically download the ghc compiler if you don’t have it. stack install will install the pandoc executable into ~/.local/bin, which you should add to your PATH. This process will take a while, and will consume a considerable amount of disk space.

Quick cabal method

  1. Install the Haskell platform. This will give you GHC and the cabal-install build tool. Note that pandoc requires GHC >= 7.10 and cabal >= 2.0.

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  2. Update your package database:

  3. Check your cabal version with

    If you have a version less than 2.0, install the latest with:

  4. Use cabal to install pandoc and its dependencies:

    This procedure will install the released version of pandoc, which will be downloaded automatically from HackageDB.

    If you want to install a modified or development version of pandoc instead, switch to the source directory and do as above, but without the ‘pandoc’:

  5. Make sure the $CABALDIR/bin directory is in your path. You should now be able to run pandoc:

  6. If you want to process citations with pandoc, you will also need to install a separate package, pandoc-citeproc. This can be installed using cabal:

    By default pandoc-citeproc uses the “i;unicode-casemap” method to sort bibliography entries (RFC 5051). If you would like to use the locale-sensitive unicode collation algorithm instead, specify the unicode_collation flag:

    Note that this requires the text-icu library, which in turn depends on the C library icu4c. Installation directions vary by platform. Here is how it might work on macOS with Homebrew:

  7. The pandoc.1 man page will be installed automatically. cabal shows you where it is installed: you may need to set your MANPATH accordingly. If MANUAL.txt has been modified, the man page can be rebuilt: make man/pandoc.1.

    The pandoc-citeproc.1 man page will also be installed automatically.

Custom cabal method

This is a step-by-step procedure that offers maximal control over the build and installation. Most users should use the quick install, but this information may be of use to packagers. For more details, see the Cabal User’s Guide. These instructions assume that the pandoc source directory is your working directory. You will need cabal version 2.0 or higher.

  1. Install dependencies: in addition to the Haskell platform, you will need a number of additional libraries. You can install them all with

  2. Configure:

    All of the options have sensible defaults that can be overridden as needed.

    FLAGSPEC is a list of Cabal configuration flags, optionally preceded by a - (to force the flag to false), and separated by spaces. Pandoc’s flags include:

    • embed_data_files: embed all data files into the binary (default no). This is helpful if you want to create a relocatable binary.

    • https: enable support for downloading resources over https (using the http-client and http-client-tls libraries).

  3. Build:

  4. Build API documentation:

  5. Copy the files:

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    The default destdir is /.

  6. Register pandoc as a GHC package:

    Package managers may want to use the --gen-script option to generate a script that can be run to register the package at install time.

Creating a relocatable binary

It is possible to compile pandoc such that the data files pandoc uses are embedded in the binary. The resulting binary can be run from any directory and is completely self-contained. With cabal, add -fembed_data_files to the cabal configure or cabal install commands.

With stack, use --flag pandoc:embed_data_files.

Running tests

Pandoc comes with an automated test suite. To run with cabal, cabal test; to run with stack, stack test.

To run particular tests (pattern-matching on their names), use the -p option:

Or with stack:

It is often helpful to add -j4 (run tests in parallel) and --hide-successes (don’t clutter output with successes) to the test arguments as well.

If you add a new feature to pandoc, please add tests as well, following the pattern of the existing tests. The test suite code is in test/test-pandoc.hs. If you are adding a new reader or writer, it is probably easiest to add some data files to the test directory, and modify test/Tests/Old.hs. Otherwise, it is better to modify the module under the test/Tests hierarchy corresponding to the pandoc module you are changing.

Running benchmarks

Pdf Latex Mac Os

To build and run the benchmarks:

or with stack:

To use a smaller sample size so the benchmarks run faster:

To run just the markdown benchmarks: